Monday, February 23, 2009

St. Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways.....and THEIR LIES

Ok so here it goes...

Out of St. Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways, I'd say that the most ridiculous one is the fourth one: The Argument from Degrees and Perfection. Basically in this one he is saying that God determines what is beautiful, good, etc. He says that there is a perfect standard by which all things are measured and these perfections are "contained in God." I don't think that this is true because I think that beauty, good, etc. are opinions. We determine what is beautiful or good, and we are the ones that set the standard. Everyone has different opinions and one cannot say that one person is the most beautiful or that something is good. 
For example: I say that Angelina Jolie is one of the prettiest women I've ever seen, and no matter what age she is she's still hot. However, Myles for example, thinks that Jessica Alba is the hottest woman ever alive. See, it is purely opinion. God did not sway my, or Myles' opinion. Also, that is my standard of beauty, it's like Angie is a ten (so is my girlfriend) and lets say uhh Sarah Palin is a one. So by setting this standard I can now measure people and other perfections. 

Tada! God didn't help me! As far as I know, God could think Sarah Palin is a 10 and Angie is a 1 (which would be completely irrational)

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